Why Does My Cat Lick Me
Cats lick themselves (or kittens) to groom themselves, therefore licking is usually a gesture of affection or a technique of cleansing for them. Cats, on the other hand, lick each other to express various forms of affection. A cat’s lick could be a way of them claiming their territory or
bath a Cat and Survive
Bathing cats can be extremely stressful, causing them to become defensive or even violent, hissing, lifting their fur, and even lashing out at you. However, with a little planning and care, you can bathe your cat and avoid scratching. Cats don’t require baths very often, but when they do, it’s
Bombay Cat Breed Information
The Bombay is a cross between the Burmese and the black American shorthair and was created to resemble the Indian black panther. The outcome is a cat that looks a lot like a huge jungle cat but doesn’t have any wild blood in his genealogy. The Bombay combines the best
Manx Cat Information
The Manx is a medium-sized cat with a round head, round eyes, round whisker pads, and a round rump. Manx cat breeds are unique in that they have a short tail or be tailless, have a short hair coat, or have a long hair coat. Because a tailless female Manx cat
Indoor Cats vs. Outdoor Cats
Cats have a strong desire to be outside. They rush to the front door whenever it opens, or they sit at the window, yowling like the saddest cat in the world because they can’t go outdoors. Cats, without a doubt, want to be free. Should I keep my cat indoor
Savannah Cat information
The savannah cat is a mix between a domestic cat and an African serval. The savannah was named after the habitat of the serval and its beauty mirrors the lush glory of Africa’s golden plains. The savannah is a tall, slim cat with long legs, large ears, and a long
cats purr
A purring cat is a happy cat. Cats usually purr when they are relaxed and happy. They express their love by purring. Whenever she purr when you hold your cat means she is happy, content and she is enjoying lots of fuss and attention. Cats express their feeling by purring
The Language of the Cat
The Language of the Cat Since we don’t use the same language as our cat, sometimes we are confused by its behavior. We sometimes think that he is disobedient or stubborn when his behavior is perfectly normal for a cat. However, by better understanding how cats communicate and, for example,
Give Your Cat a Pill
Cats are lovely pets to have at home. They are friendly pets but giving them something to eat unwillingly is a challenging task for owners. Even if you are an experienced cat owner then too it will be tough for you to give your cat a pill. There are many
Siamese cat common medical disorders
The Siamese breed is one of the most popular and at the same time oldest cat breed. Getting them from a genuine breeder would ensure that they are healthy and are given the required vaccinations as per their age. But still, the Siamese is prone to certain diseases which are
Types of Siamese Cats
The Siamese cat is known to be a very friendly and beautiful looking breed. The breed originated from an ancient kingdom of Siam, which is now popularly known as Thailand. Over a period, the Siamese cats have evolved in various ways such as body composition, colour and size. The different
Bengal cat
Are you in a lookout for a cat that has some exotic looks and personality without any kind of danger? Then the Bengal cat has been specially developed for you. The Bengal cat is not a recommended breed if what you are looking for is a friendly and gentle cat