Tabby Pointed Siamese Cat
Lynx point Siamese cats are also known as Tabby point Siamese in the UK. They look like wild lynx and are a crossbreed between Siamese and tabbies cats. It is said that breeding began in the 1940s and the first kitten born from these two was again cross-bred with a
Personality of Snowshoe Siamese Cats
Have you ever heard of a cat called a Snowshoe Siamese? Yes, this breed does exist and is very rare to find. First appearing in the 1960s in the United States, the Snowshoe Siamese cats are actually a blend of a Siamese and American shorthair. This cat breed is now
Applehead Siamese Cats
Siamese cats are one of the most popular cat breeds around the world. They are known for their elegant looks, blue eyes, and high intelligence.  Siamese cats are the most recognizable and widely known cats in the world. These cats are very active and vocal and they love to play
Siamese cats are best for their beauty, elegancy, deep blue eyes, character, and seal points on their body. There are number of varieties in the Siamese breed and Tortie point Siamese is also one of them. Yes, you heard it right, there is a Siamese breed known as Tortie point.
Siamese cat meow
April 6 is the ‘purrfect’ day for cat lovers. It’s National Siamese Cat Day. This is the day when we honour these magnificent felines. Siamese cats, also known as “Meezers,” are among the world’s most popular cat breeds. We adore these beautiful animals, and we hope you do as well.
Siamese Cats Have Blue Eyes
Siamese cats are known for their elegance and beauty. Their unique fur patterns and striking blue eyes makes them one of the most beautiful cat breed. These cats have origin from Siam (now Thailand) and they were once considered as royalty figure in ancient kingdom of Siam. The most beautiful
Chocolate point Siamese cats
What is a Chocolate Point Siamese? Chocolate point Siamese cats are very popular among many cat lovers. This variation of Siamese is quite unique genetic variation of the seal point. They are one of the oldest considered color within the Siamese breed and very famous as a pet.  Earlier it
Siamese Cats Believed to have originated from Thailand, Siamese cats Blue Point Siamese are considered to be quite distinct from rest of the breed and have a royal touch. If anything is to be believed, these cats were prohibited to be owned by the common masses. Treated like royals, these
Tips and Tricks Train a Siamese Cat
Training a cat can turn out to be a difficult affair. Due to the stubborn nature of the cats, most of the people find it impossible to get the cats trained. Various cat breeds have different nature. When it comes to the Siamese cat, the training part gets even more
Siamese Cats Cost
Siamese cats are a unique friendly breed of cats that originated from Thailand. They are loyal and very affectionate. They are highly intelligent and love being in the company of humans especially their owners. When it comes to purchasing a Siamese cat or a kitten then the cost would vary
siamese cat
Siamese cats are a popular cat breed. They are loving and friendly in nature. They are attention seekers. Due to their unique body structure, the needs of these cats has also changed. The Siamese cats are mostly known for living a longer life when compared to an average cat. What
Siamese Breed Seal Point
Cat lovers have so many choices when it comes to selecting a pet cat. There are a variety of cats in terms of breed, sizes, color, etc. Each of the breeds has their own set of, physical characteristic, traits, and personality that makes them different from each other. There are