Applehead Siamese Cats
Siamese cats are one of the most popular cat breeds around the world. They are known for their elegant looks, blue eyes, and high intelligence.  Siamese cats are the most recognizable and widely known cats in the world. These cats are very active and vocal and they love to play
Siamese Cats Believed to have originated from Thailand, Siamese cats Blue Point Siamese are considered to be quite distinct from rest of the breed and have a royal touch. If anything is to be believed, these cats were prohibited to be owned by the common masses. Treated like royals, these
Siamese Cat Alone
Only an animal lover can understand the pain of leaving one’s precious pets alone when one has to go out for work or any other reason. Not only is it heartbreaking to leave the furry four-legged bundle of joy alone, but it also gives you a headache thinking to find
If you have a young kitten or an older cat, they very much crave interactive toys with which they can play and enjoy active hours on end. Here we have created a list of best interactive cat toys so that you can pick that suit your cat’s nature. From cat
Siamese cat meow
There are plenty of reasons your cat meow. Sometimes you can find it irritating and sometimes you may love. Cats usually meow to indicate their problem, to say hello, request attention and sometimes they ask for food by doing this. Though some breeds like Siamese cats are known to be
Ragdoll and Siamese Cats
In today’s world cats are the most well-liked pet. Cats can be mortal hunters and very cunning, when they run their backward paws step almost totally in the same spot as the front paws did beforehand, this keeps sound to a minimal and limits evident tracks. Selecting a cat is
Siamese cats are best for their beauty, elegancy, deep blue eyes, character, and seal points on their body. There are number of varieties in the Siamese breed and Tortie point Siamese is also one of them. Yes, you heard it right, there is a Siamese breed known as Tortie point.
Flame Point Siamese Cat
Siamese is really beautiful and is very famous among all cat breeds. These cats have unusual coat colours and colour points over their coat. These points are darker in colour and you can see them around the cats face, paws, tails, and ears. Depending upon the coat colour, Siamese has
Yes, Siamese cats make excellent pets because they are friendly, affectionate, and attractive due to their sleek bodies and blue eyes. They do, however, require human interaction, so keeping them as pets if you are not home for the majority of the day is not recommended. They also tend to
Siamese cat Is So Small
Siamese cats are mostly bulky cats but they may vary in size just like humans do. If you are the one wondering why your Siamese cat is small then here we will let you know the reasons behind it. There are several variables you need to take into consideration. Here
Siamese Cats and Domestic Cats
Siamese cats are one of the most beautiful cat breeds. They look tremendously unique with their long slim body, bright blue eyes, and colour points on several parts of the body, triangular shape ears, apple shape face and long pointed tail. These cats are intelligent than many other cat breeds
Siamese Cats Meow
Siamese cats are famous for their active personality. These cats are very energetic and very intelligent too. Meowing is just a means of communication to humans and that is why cats meow. Among all other cat breeds, Siamese cats use their voice quite a bit. Siamese cats originated in Thailand