What is the Best Diet for a Siamese Cat?

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The Siamese cat has been bred in a selective manner over a period of generations. During the good old days, they were purely treated as royal. Siamese cats have a muscular and slender body. Their jaw shape is also triangular and thin. Thus making them quite a unique looking cat.

Siamese cats are very friendly and loving in nature. They always yearn for the attention of their owner. With such unique and defining characteristics, they are a popular breed among most of the household. But one cannot forget that Siamese cats have a delicate digestive system.

Hence if you are planning on getting a Siamese cat at home, then they should be taking special care about their nutritional needs. They have a unique combination of diet needs that may not be the same as the rest of the cat breed.

Best Diet for a Siamese Cat

Those individuals who are planning or already have a Siamese cat for the first time would be quite anxious as to which food would serve the purpose. There are a lot of cat foods available in the market but you should carry out careful research in determining which among those would be best for your Siamese cat.

Mostly a Siamese cat is a very friendly and healthy pet. If you really plan to take care of their health, then you would need to properly follow their vaccination pattern by regularly taking them to the vet and also offer a balanced diet.

The food that one needs to feed to the Siamese cat should in a way help them in supporting certain specific needs. The nutritional diet of the Siamese cat should basically avoid obesity or weight gain but at the same time cater to the lean muscle mass.

The diet that you plan to feed your Siamese cat should be easily digestible by them. Since their stomach is sensitive, it should avoid any kind of digestive issues.

Also, another thing that needs to be taken care of is, due to the unique shape of their jawline, the kibble should be encouraging enough to chew properly before it is swallowed. This would help in reducing the formation of tartar in their teeth.

We have collated some of the basic guidelines with regards to the best diet to be given to a Siamese cat for its good health.

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What is the ideal weight of a Siamese cat?

Basically, there are two main types of Siamese cat. First being the Traditional or Thai Siamese cat and the second one is the Modern kind of Siamese cat.

The Modern Siamese cat is way slimmer than its traditional counterpart. But their weights are almost similar. Both these types of Siamese cat should be weighing around 2kgs to 4.5kgs.

A Siamese cat can be given three different types of feed, dry, wet and fresh. But the optimal food for a Siamese cat should be a balance of these different types of feed. It would ensure that the cat is in good health and at the same time does not gain unwanted weight.

Dry food:

Based on the age of the Siamese cat, they need to have different properties in their feed.Dry food

  • During the kitten stage, they would need to be provided with foods that are loaded with proteins and fats. This would ensure healthy growth in the kittens. There is a lot of dry food available in the market, you can check the label to get a balanced one. If you are unsure, which is the best then you can also check with the vet. They would mostly recommend two or three types of best quality brands that would be suitable for the kitten. Also, ensure that the food has a good amount of vitamins and calcium.
  • During the adult stage of the Siamese cats, they should be provided with a proper well-balanced diet. The diet should compose 40% fat and 25% protein. In addition, it should also contain vitamins, Omega 3 and 6 and fiber. For neutered cats, they are various types of foods available. This helps in preventing obesity among those cats.
  • During their elderly stage, the diet requirements are not as large as in the earlier case since there is less of physical activity.

Some of the best dry feeds:

  1. Rachael Ray Nutrish Natural Dry Cat Food
  2. Royal Canin Breed Health Nutrition Siamese dry cat food


Wet Food:

Mostly the wet foods are available in air-tight containers or cans. But ensure to place the half-opened can in the refrigerator after every use. The food that you purchase should contain at least 25 to 35% of protein.

The percentage should be between 15 to 30%. Carbohydrates should not be more than 5 to 10%. The food should also contain Vitamin and Omega 3-6. It is important that the wet food should also contain traces of calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium. You should check the labels before purchasing the product.

Note that overuse of such wet food can lead to the formation of plaque, smelly feces and bad breath in the Siamese cat. Hence, the wet food should be given in moderate quantity.

Some of the best Wet Feed:

  1. Wellness Natural Grain Free Wet Canned Wet Food
  2. Blue Buffalo Blue Healthy Gourmet Wet Cat Food


Fresh Food:

You also have the option of preparing food at home which is equally fresh and at the same time healthy. Homemade food can be provided in addition to their other diet food. A balanced diet for Siamese cat should be a proper mixture of dry food, homemade food, and wet food.

Siamese love to have turkey and cooked ham. This can be cooked at home and given to them. You also provide them with hake, chicken, and salmon. Ensure that these foods are never served raw. They should be washed properly, boiled or grilled before serving them. While serving fish food, it should not have any bones.

Apart from food, you should also ensure to hydrate your cat from time to time. Provide them with clean and fresh water while serving food.

If your Siamese cat suffers from a sensitive stomach, then the top three best foods include:

  • Royal Canin Adult Complete Cat Food
  • Blue Buffalo Dry Adult Cat Food


It is important to check with your vet if you do not have proper information about the nutritional needs of your cat. Try to research and only go for the best quality food brands. Do not forget to check the label of the food brand before purchasing it.




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