Why Cats Vomit: Reasons and Prevention

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Every pet parent knows the warning signs of an upset cat stomach. These signs can be mournful meow, gagging and the heaving retch. An upset stomach is the reason for your cat vomiting. Whenever you hear that hacking noise from the room where your cat is living, it simply means that now you have to clean up the mess.  There are many reason for your cat’s vomiting, some of them more serious than others. Being a pet owner we should know the reason behind the cat’s vomit and its types.

Why Cats Vomit?

If your Siamese vomits then it is not a good sign and sometimes it can be extremely worrying. There are many reasons for vomiting in cats. Some can be minor digestive upsets while hairballs can cause much more serious problems. If the vomiting is not happening very often then the reason is likely to be the minor ones. When you see your cat vomiting too much then it can be a serious issue.

Causes of cat vomiting may include:

  • Hairballs
  • Digestive upsets
  • Overfeeding
  • Worms
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Digestive diseases
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Poisoning
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Cancer

So, what’s in the vomit?

Having a look at your cat’s vomit is really tough task to do. But if you love your kitty then you should check it to know why your kitty is sick. By having a look at it you can know the reason behind it’s vomiting and you can also explain about the problem in a much better way to your vet. So what can you see? Is the vomit clear? Or is it frothy, yellow or green?

Does the vomit contain:


Usually cats that play indoor in a grass garden or outdoor cats can sometimes eat grass. This can make them unwell as grass can’t be digested and this is the reason they may vomit after eating grass. After the vomit if you find the grass in it then you do not need to worry about it as your pet seems otherwise well, there’s probably no reason to worry.


If you are having a cat that has long hair then sometime with food they may eat their hairs too when they fall. If you see hairballs in the cat’s vomit occasionally then it is okay but if you see it more often, then it can be a serious trouble, as this can lead to hair moving further down the digestive tract where it can cause a blockage. In this case we recommend you to visit your nearby veterinarian as your vet will give you the solution on the best course of action for hairballs.

Undigested food?

Like we humans, cats do vomit if they eat more food than the need. If you see undigested food in the cat’s vomit then it is the indication of overfeeding. If you are witnessing this more often, then this can be a serious issue and you should get your cat checked out by a vet as soon as possible.

A mass of spaghetti-like worms?

These can be the worms. In this case you must take your kitty to your vet as this can be the serious case. If you can bear it, scoop the worms into a container and take them with you to the vet’s so that they can be identified.




This is the serious issue that needs much attention. Blood in cat’s vomit indicate something quite serious. Here we advise you to contact your veterinarian for advice.

Frothy, yellow or green vomit?

Whenever your cat suffers from viral or bacterial infection, you will find vomiting color frothy, yellow, or green.

Are there any other signs of illness?

Whenever you cat vomits, just check if she is still eating and drinking. Try to find out other signs of illness like diarrhea and check if she looks hunched, miserable, or lacking his usual energy? If the cat has any other signs of illness, get them checked out by a vet as soon as you can. All these things can tell you whether your pet is seriously ill or not. Whenever your cat vomits, make sure she get enough of water to drink afterwards.  Frequent vomiting can lead your cat to getting severely dehydrated.

How serious is it when a cat keeps throwing up?

Any digestive disorders in cats have the potential to be serious. Frequent vomiting can lead to dehydration and this can cause more serious issue if not treated early.  In this case you should take your feline friend to the nearest vet as soon as possible to know the problem and its solution early. Early you will take your kitty for treatment, the more quickly your cat will recover.

Prevention – what you can do

  • Always give your cat fresh water to drink and keep checking that she get an easy access to drink lots of clean water.
  • Try to avoid overfeeding.
  • Give fresh food every time and make sure there are no hairs of your cat in the food tray where she eats.
  • Through away the food that is not fresh and also limits your exposure to other cats, to prevent infection and the spread of disease.
  • Always prevent hairballs by regularly brushing, bathing and grooming your cat.

Treatment for a vomiting cat

 As discussed above, there are several reasons for cat’s vomiting. If your kitty has vomited once but seems otherwise well and is drinking water, he is probably fine. If you find that your cat is drinking but not eating food then you should not feed your cat the heavy diet. Avoid feeding your cat for around 10 to 15 hours and if possible give something to eat that is easily digestible like egg or chicken breast. After 15 hours if you find your cat is still not eating anything then you should take the feline friend to your nearest vet.


Cat’s vomit should not be taken seriously if she vomits once or twice. But if you see your cat vomiting more seriously then you should always take your cat to vet and should explain the things that you saw in the vomit.



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