Why Does My Siamese Cat Sleep So Much?

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Cats make excellent domestic pets and are happy to live with their humans indoors. Because they are frequently seen napping in a sunny place or purposefully ignoring the human attempting to draw their attention, it is widely assumed that they are lethargic and hate any activity.

Siamese cats are not at all lethargic. They are still highly active cats while being largely quiet, sociable, and laid-back. There always seems to be something they need to accomplish, and they prefer to include their people in their activities.

Siamese cats are far from lazy. If you notice your Siamese isn’t as active as it should be, keep a close eye on his or her behavior to figure out what’s causing the sleepiness or even lethargy.


There could be a variety of reasons for your Siamese’s lack of activity, ranging from the innocuous (cats are moody!) to the serious, such as illness. Infections, old age, boredom, and changes in the weather could all be factors in a typically active cat becoming inactive.

Once the illness has been ruled out, there are things you can do to enhance your cat’s activity levels, but first, learn what could cause a lethargic Siamese.

1. ILL-HEALTH Cats are susceptible to illness. If you think your Siamese is sick, take it to the vet for a complete examination.

The doctor will examine your Siamese for parasites or illnesses and treat her if needed. Joint problems could be the cause of your cat’s inactivity. Your Siamese should be back to its lively self in no time if the diagnosis and treatment are correct.


Do you know how drugs make us sleepy? Cats are the same way. If your Siamese has been on medication for whatever reason, one of the adverse effects could be laziness.

Your cat should be back to its normal level of activity as the medication wears off. Before presuming this is the cause of your lethargy, consult your veterinarian for confirmation.

3. OBESITY Obesity is a problem for cats. It’s easy to confuse excess weight for fluffiness in Siamese cats since they’re fluffy. If food is always available in the cat’s bowl, your Siamese may be eating more than it needs.

On the other side, if you feed your cat on time yet it eats a high-protein diet, the cat may gain weight. This is because cats digest protein slowly, causing them to accumulate weight.

If your cat is overweight, limit the amount of food supplied until the weight is reduced, then maintain the weight by monitoring the food intake and ensuring the cat gets enough exercise to burn off the calories.

4. OLD AGE Cats naturally slow down as they get older, and your Siamese will be no exception.

Cats slow down in the same way as humans do. Always consider your cat’s age when assessing his or her activity level, but make an appointment with your veterinarian to rule out any other possibilities.




Is your Siamese cat or dog bored? It is extremely likely that if it is not provided with mental stimulation, it will become sedentary and make no attempt to be active.

Make sure your cat has a lot of toys to play with. While you’re away, a cardboard box, toilet paper, ball of yarn, and other basic items will keep your Siamese blissfully amused for hours.

Make sure your cat has a lot of toys to play with. While you’re away, a cardboard box, toilet paper, ball of yarn, and other basic items will keep your Siamese blissfully amused for hours.

When you go home, you can play with your cat with laser beams, balls, feather teasers, bells, and other toys.

6. DEPRESSION While felines do not get depressed in the same manner that people do, they do experience depression in some form if they have a terrible experience. Depression can be triggered by the death of a valued family member or pet, abandonment, or a drastic shift in living situations.

If your cat has experienced any of these, make an effort to spend more time with it, play, and cuddle with it as much as possible to alleviate any feelings of abandonment and help it recover from its depression.

Medicines may be required to treat the condition in extreme circumstances.


Cats sleep between 12 and 16 hours per day on average. Our pets usually adjust to our sleeping patterns, but occasionally they reverse it and spend more time prowling around the home at night and napping during the day.

8. CONSERVING ENERGY This is a throwback to when cats used to sleep during the day and seek prey at night when they were out in the wild. This had the dual benefit of avoiding larger predators that may feed on the cats during the day, as well as making their hunt easier because many smaller mammals are active at night.


If your Siamese isn’t receiving enough exercise in his or her daily routine, it’s conceivable that he or she has grown accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle and isn’t interested in moving about much.

If you have the space and the resources, you might build a catio to keep your cat occupied while providing them with safe and beneficial exercise. If you don’t have access to the outdoors, an indoor cat tree or walkways are a fantastic alternative.

If you can’t do that, a few moments of fun spread throughout the day should suffice. Use feather toys and laser beams that the cat will chase until it becomes tired, which normally happens after about 10 minutes of intense play.

10. HOT WEATHER Siamese cats have short fur and can usually handle heat well.

If you live in a hot climate and notice your cat has gotten drowsy, grooming itself more, drinking more water than usual, or finding cool surfaces to rest on, it’s because it’s hot and trying to regulate its core temperature.

You might have your Siamese’s fur clipped to keep it cool, but this is a divisive technique because some people believe that the fur acts as a natural thermostat, keeping the cat cool in the summer and warm in the winter.



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