Category: siamese cats

Best Interactive Cat Puzzle Feeder of 2021
The finest cat puzzle feeders are made to keep your cat entertained by allowing them to figure out how to get something to eat, much like they would in the wild. Cats are intrinsic hunters and have not evolved to find food in the same place at the same time
Wedge Head Siamese
Siamese cats are widely known worldwide for their pointed coats, distinct vocalizations, and deep blue eyes. They are one of the most popular cat breeds that people want to have as a pet at home. These cats are originally from Thailand, formerly known as Siam. Earlier we only had classic
Siamese cat Catnip
Catnip is an herb that has been used to lure cats for over 2,500 years, according to historical records. When the gray-green foliage is scratched or rubbed, oil is released that cats find irresistible. It’s no wonder that your cat enjoys the herb catnip. The hardy perennial is a favorite
Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose
Any cat parent will tell you that we are devoted to our pets, but we may not be so devoted to some of the behaviors they choose to bestow on us. The majority of kitten bites aren’t painful, however, this can change when your cat grows older and begins to
Siamese Cats Mean
Siamese cats are among some of the most beautiful animals on this planet. Their beautiful blue eyes, attractive looks, amazing personality make them the most adorable pets in the world. Siamese cats are known for being calm, talkative, and for their affectionate and loving behavior towards their owners. However, Siamese
simaese cats scratching
Every cat owner will have to learn how to keep their cats from scratching their furniture and carpets at some point. Discover why cats scratch furniture and how to stop them from doing so. Why Do Cats Scratch Furniture When caring for a cat at home, one of the most
Siamese Cat Is Always Hungry
There are indeed a lot of reasons why your Siamese’s appetite increased suddenly. It might be as simple as the colder weather requiring more food to feed their system and regulate their temperature. Pregnancy, switching to a lower-quality diet, certain drugs, or even an increase in activity can all produce
The Siamese cat is known for its stunning appearance and gentle disposition with humans. But the question is that do Siamese cats get along with dogs? They get along well with dogs, cats, and children. Since the Siamese is an aggressive breed, having a playful dog around will help to
As a cat owner, it’s critical to make sure your feline companion gets adequate water. This helps them stay hydrated while also preventing urinary or kidney problems. However, because cats are notoriously picky creatures, encouraging them to drink enough water can be difficult. If your feline companion doesn’t drink from their
All cats love to scratch. They can’t help it because it’s in their behavior DNA. Your cat needs to scratch surfaces as much as it needs to eat, groom or use the bathroom. The only problem is if the cat makes some of our precious furniture their favorite scratching spots.
Lilac point Siamese cats are one of the most famous Siamese cat breeds. They were first recognized in the 1960s. Earlier Lilac point Siamese was not given that much of preference as compared to other Siamese cats and were even called as freaks by some individuals. Fortunately, they gained popularity
If you have a young kitten or an older cat, they very much crave interactive toys with which they can play and enjoy active hours on end. Here we have created a list of best interactive cat toys so that you can pick that suit your cat’s nature. From cat