Siamese Cat Life: Better and Healthier in New Year 2024

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We are just a few days away from welcoming the new year 2024. Most of the people would have already planned on how they would be bringing in the new year. The new year is a chance to make some resolutions and stick to them. It is a fresh chance in setting some goals that could not be achieved in the past year.

Some of them would have already prepared a list of dos and don’ts for the coming year. But how much have you thought about your pet for this coming year? Your pet cat is also an integral part of your day and there are so many things you can do to help make them a healthy animal.

Today, let us go through some of the steps that can be taken to make their life better and healthier.

Staying active:

One of the common goals that most of the people resolve is to stay fit in the coming year. Why just limit this goal to us humans since this is a good way of also including your feline buddy as part of the fitness resolution? Your kitty also needs to stay active and healthy.

There is a need for them to also move often so that they do not gain weight. Unlike dogs, cats are not made part of the exercises regime. This can make them prone to becoming fat. The cats who prefer staying outdoors healthier and fitter than the ones who are indoors.

The outdoor cats roam around here and there, jump from one tree to another. On the contrary, some of the indoor cats prefer lazing around on the couch. You can keep your indoor kitty active by getting them a cat tree that has multiple levels. Remove some time out and train your kitty to make use of the cat tree.

Some of them would be hesitant initially but with little support and encouragement, your kitty would love to jump around on the cat tree.



Spend more time with your kitty:

Siamese cats are attention seekers and when they do not receive the desired attention, they tend to feel bored and depressed.

This new year, make a resolution to allocate some time out of your busy day only for your little feline. They are also part of your family now, hence it is important to make them feel loved and cared. Just providing them basic facilities would not help.

Siamese needs your attention and love hence you need to schedule some time in such a way that you can pamper and cuddle your little kitty. Playtime with your Siamese would help in strengthening the bond and also bring your closer. You can also groom them by brushing their coat which is a way of getting closer to your feline.

Teach them a new trick:

Siamese cats are intelligent breed hence they prefer toys which help in stimulating their mind. Even though you get them a whole bunch of toys but when it does not stimulate their mind then it rarely helps.

Hence, this new year we prefer that you make a resolution wherein you can teach a new trick to your cat. Some of the tricks include litter training, sitting, fetching, high-five and many others. You can also teach them to walk with leash.

This may seem difficult for cats but with little persistence and patience, your cat would eventually learn to walk with leash. Treating them with their favourite food once they have learnt a new trick would motivate your kitty.

check Kittens Diet:

This new year, you need to be extra vigilant when it comes to your cat’s diet. Ask the vet on which foods are best suited for your Siamese. The Siamese breed is prone to weight gain easily hence it becomes important to take care of what your cat is eating.

With the help of a measuring cup you can measure the quantity of food given at a particular time. Do not just pour the contents in the box, instead it is a good idea to measure and then pour the food content in their bowl. This way you can divide the quantity of food given throughout the day.

Always check the contents provided on the package of the food to ensure that proper nutrients are provided to the feline.

Regular vet visits:

We agree with the fact that it is not always possible to schedule regular vet visits for your kitty. But this new year, make a resolution that you would not miss out on any visits to the vet.

Having regular visits to the vet would ensure that your kitty does not suffer from any disease and at the same time, all of the necessary vaccinations are provided on a timely manner. There are some symptoms which may not be easily identified but when you take your kitty to the vet, they carry a thorough checkup and watch out for any such subtle signs.

They also check how well the cat has been maintained in terms of its grooming.

Following these resolutions would ensure that your cat also enjoys its MEW year. It would ensure that your cat stays healthy and happy. Do not hesitate to make these resolutions part of your upcoming new year plans.



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